New research has revealed what different Australian city residents are most interested in when it comes to cosmetic surgery.

Looking at Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane, RealSelf discovered that breast augmentations are the most searched procedure overall by Australian visitors to their cosmetic treatment website.
But Brisbane takes the lead in wanting most breast implants and face lifts, while Sydneysiders are more interested in liposuction and rhinoplasty (nose jobs).

‘Since February this year, more than 650,000 RealSelf users visited from Down Under,’ says editor Elisabeth Kramer. ‘That’s nearly 10 percent more than the three months prior.
‘Aussies on RealSelf tend to be young: 58 percent are 18 to 34 (eight percent more than the same age range among Americans).
‘They also tend to be female; 79 percent of visitors are women, 21 percent men. No surprise, then, that breast surgeries are the Number 1 most searched topic. Rhinoplasties are a close second, accounting for seven percent of all Australian traffic to RealSelf.
‘Australians and Americans differ only slightly on their interest for major topics, but there is one procedure that’s much bigger in the US than Australia: Brazilian butt lifts.
‘Interest in this fat transfer for a fuller backside accounts for more than 14 percent of all US visits to RealSelf. In Australia, BBLs make up just one percent of traffic.
‘What Australians research also changes depending on what city they call home. We looked at the four Australian hubs – Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, and Brisbane – from where residents visit RealSelf the most often.
‘Brisbane had a distinct interest in breast surgeries, viewing 57 percent more content per capita compared to the Number 2 city (Sydney).
‘Australia’s largest city wasn’t out of the running for long, however. Sydney took Number 1 for the Australian city most interested in liposuction and rhinoplasty (Melbourne wasn’t far behind with a difference of just 10 percent).
‘Brisbane took the top once again for facelifts, showing 44 percent more interest than the Number 4 city of Perth.’
Where RealSelf got its numbers: Pageviews for February 1-April 30, 2015. The interest in certain procedures by city:
- Brisbane
- Sydney
- Perth
- Melbourne
- Sydney
- Brisbane
- Melbourne
- Perth
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Brisbane
- Perth
- Brisbane
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Perth
* Since it was founded in 2006, RealSelf has created the world’s largest community for learning and sharing information about cosmetic surgery, dermatology, dentistry, and other elective treatments. Its extensive collections of reviews, photos, and doctor Q&As make it a trusted resource for those who are researching potential changes to their bodies.