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On Monday next week, we will be gathered at the beautiful Ovolo Woolloomooloo for the second BEAUTY & SPA Insiders. We are beyond excited to see all your gorgeous faces in person at the event (grab your tickets HERE).
Over the past few months, we have been profiling the speakers before the big day, and for our final profile, we’d like to introduce the lovely Dr Phoebe Jones.
Phoebe graduated from Medicine at the University of Sydney in 2011 and has since gone on to work as a clinician and researcher. She is geared towards the beauty side of medicine and understands how the slightest change can completely shift a person’s confidence. Phoebe specialises in injectables and laser and will be speaking on the panel ‘how to get the most use out of your injectables’ along with Dr Steven Liew and Dr Sean Arendse.
Over to you, Phoebe!
Tell us why you’re looking forward to speaking at BEAUTY & SPA Insiders?
It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet with likeminded people, who have a passion for the beauty industry and are looking to continue to grow their business. I think sharing your experiences and your knowledge in a positive atmosphere creates a sense of reciprocity where people want to help each other in a traditionally otherwise competitive space.
How do you unwind after a long day?
I wish I could say I was meditating or doing something productive, but I usually feel pretty drained after a busy day at the clinic, so it’s usually dinner and TV on the couch. I also try to go to bed early, which isn’t the easiest for me because I’m a bit of a night owl.
If you could travel right now, where would you go and why?
I miss travel. My husband and I don’t have children, so having the freedom to travel regularly was our main indulgence. I would love to go skiing in Japan and visit Tokyo this February, but right now I’d be grateful to just travel interstate to see family.
Greatest achievement to date?
My greatest achievement was probably having a paper published in PRS (The Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal). I spent a good year in a lab researching bacterial attachment to breast implants. It was a lot of work!
You are speaking on a panel called how to get the most use out of your injectables. Could you give us a little teaser on how do you get the most use out of your injectables?
I’d like to give people a realistic insight into my experience: the good, the bad, the ugly. And things I’d do differently.
How do you stay motivated?
Day-to-day, I think motivation starts with decent sleep and a really good morning routine. My days are incomparably better when I’m strict with this. If I stay up late, sleep in and get ready in a panic, I’m behind the eightball all day. If I’m tired, I can’t go the extra mile with patients in terms of giving them important nuggets of information, future planning or doing any extras that they want that day. If I’ve had a good sleep and some exercise, I feel positive and energized, and the people around you feel that too.
For motivation on a more macro level, I think it’s important to have pretty specific goals that you write down, refer back to and revise. It’s motivating to look back on goal lists you made in the past and see how many you’ve achieved.
What do you love most about the aesthetics industry?
So many things. It’s creative, clean, fun, flexible, and well-remunerated. I have the pleasure of meeting a diversity of people all day long. The cost- price beauty treatments are also a bonus!