Have you considered a women’s health device? Dr George Calfas thinks you should.
GMC Cosmedical is a medically based cosmetic clinic hosting a broad range of skills and offering a wide range of both medical and surgical procedures. Dr George Calfas is the founder and principal of the two Sydney-based locations and is a senior fellow of both of Australia’s top training colleges and a medical board member of one of them.
We chatted to Dr Calfas and RN Madeline Calfas about vaginal treatments, in particular, their newest device, EVA by Aussie Medi Tech.
What made you consider purchasing a women’s health device?
GC: Until recently women’s health issues affecting lifestyle have long been recognised as a difficult area to manage successfully because of the lack of appropriate treatment without resorting to invasive surgery, and even then, surgery is often not a good option. Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) where there is a variable degree of bladder leakage after daily activities such as coughing and sneezing, jogging, gym workouts or even carrying children or shopping is very common and can be particularly distressing for active women. In older women the vaginal epithelium (lining) becomes atrophic (thinned) and gives rise to other symptoms such as burning, itching, discharge, a sense of heaviness from prolapse, and soreness and pain particularly after intimacy. Creams and exercise routines have been prescribed in the past with limited benefits.
However, with the advent of safe, simple and effective radiofrequency devices, such as EVA and other laser devices in recent years, has changed the outlook for most women. Excellent improvement of sexual, vaginal and bladder health has resulted in vast improvements in these women’s lives.
Why did you decide to go with EVA by Aussie Medi Tech?
GC: The treatment of these conditions centres on improving both the condition of the vaginal lining and tightening of the vaginal and bladder walls. This means that the regenerating and healing energy applied needs to be able to reach these tissues, and of the two main energy forms available only radiofrequency is able to do this.
I chose the EVA as my preferred radiofrequency device because of its latest quadripolar technology which delivers the RF into different depth levels at the same time so you can treat superficially to repair the lining epithelium of the vagina, into a medium depth to reach into the vaginal wall to tighten it, and into deeper depths to reach and strengthen the urethra and bladder walls as well. This way the one device treats all levels simultaneously. The effectiveness of the treatments with EVA quadripolar is evident in the consistently good results we achieve.
What are some of the reasons patients want an EVA treatment?
MC: The most common reason we get for someone wanting the EVA treatment is to deal with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). It’s something that a lot of women experience, and most women are actually really relieved when they find out there is something they can do to help it. They are even more relieved when they find out it’s non-invasive and pain-free.
The next most common reason is to help with increasing vaginal lubrication, as well as increasing the sensitivity of the vagina. Improvements to the appearance of the labia, as well as softening of any scarring around the perineum from childbirth, and increasing the peristaltic action of the bowel wall (meaning less straining during bowel movements) are also some of the reasons women will undergo an EVA treatment series.
Can you explain the process of the treatment a little bit?
MC: The treatment is done in two stages. Stage one is the internal stage, and it’s a bit like having an internal ultrasound. It’s pain free, and lasts around 15mins. Stage two is the external stage, lasts around 10 mins and is also pain free. After treatment, you can go back to whatever activities you like (even sex) as there is literally ZERO downtime.
The treatment is designed to gently heat up the tissue enough to promote collagen and ground substance stimulation.
How do you make sure your patients aren’t embarrassed?
MC: I tend to find there is always some degree of embarrassment, much like going to have a pap smear, but this is usually only during the first few minutes. I always ensure that our ladies are adequately covered as much as possible, and that they are nice and warm, and just keep the conversation flowing. it’s always good to take the focus off what we are doing.
What is the feedback you get on the results?
MC: The feedback we have had to date has all been incredibly positive. Women are loving that they find it much easier to control their bladder when they sneeze or cough. We also have had a lot of women commenting on the improvement in their production of secretion and lubrication, as well as their sensitivity. Another big area of improvement is the ability to have a bowel movement for those who have been experiencing some rectocele prolapse.
A few women have also commented that they have noticed a reduction in the size and severity of hemorrhoids as well. And best of all, it really is a pain-free procedure.
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