One of the latest crazes to consume the beauty world over the past year is facial rollers – and this time, we don’t mean the micro-needling variety. Crystal rollers are generally made from finely polished jade or rose quartz, with cylindrical stones of varying sizes on each end of a small wand. They are largely associated with traditional remedies and alternate therapies, with some evidence of jade stones used on the skin in 7th century China, and other crystals throughout the middle ages and ancient India.
For those who aren’t sold on crystal or alternate therapies, don’t be turned off too quickly – these beauty tools have quite a few perks that you may not have even considered. And not only do they add a lovely touch to your retail section, they can add a delightful and unique touch to your spa facial treatments too.
So what is it about rollers that’s creating such a buzz?
Good vibrations
These are of course the typical crystal benefits that attract a lot of consumers to facial rollers. Various crystals are speculated to offer different benefits, and clients love the personalised touch. Rose quartz is said to improve anxiety, reduce negative energy, and aid with romance and self-love. Amethyst is said to promote healing and balance, including sleep and the nervous system, and jade is meant to be calming, and even the skin’s tone.
Since the crystals do a wonderful job of staying cool on their own, they make great tools for calming the skin, reducing inflammation and puffiness, and providing a cooling massage to tired facial muscles. For extra cooling and calming, simply pop the roller in the fridge between treatments.
Lymphatic & fluid drainage
Rollers and facial wands offer a gentle but firm alternative to facial massage without dragging or friction on the skin, and rollers with two size options can accommodate facial areas both large and small. Small stones are also perfect for draining away sinus fluid and under-eye puffiness. Again, the coolness of the stones will provide some extra relief for clients with fluid build-up, which can be quite painful at times.
One of our favourite in-salon perks about facial rollers is that they don’t soak up your product. Unlike applying with fingers or a brush, which will continue to absorb serums and creams as you go, rollers will gently glide product onto skin and disperse evenly. Not only is this more economic but saves taking the time to re-apply additional product.
Great hygiene
This goes without saying, but less contact with fingers means more hygienic for both therapist and client. Plus, rollers are incredibly simple to clean!
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