Renchia Droganis used to spend her days working as massage therapist, aromatherapist, metaphysical and reiki counsellor in an organisation that not only helped disadvantaged and traumatised people who had grown up without an education learn to read and write, but also assisted them to heal their pain through therapy and to nurture a healthy self-esteem.
As she worked she began to explore ways to help her clients further with plant extract formulations to help meet their physical and emotional needs. Renchia’s spirituality, ethics and values drove a vision to create healing products that were fully holistic, helping people whilst being kind to the earth and to all involved in their creation.
Her passion for African therapeutic plants was lit when her mother used tea from the abundantly available African Potato to strengthen herself from the challenge of osteoporosis. When Renchia discovered the extent of the plant’s healing benefits it became the staple on which many of her future formulations were based.
By the time, she was approached by a spa to create a bespoke aromatherapy ritual her knowledge of native African ingredients was extensive and her Africology brand was born. Awareness of her Africology natural product formulations, made to the highest standards and delivered with unsurpassed service excellence, spread rapidly and soon spas and retreats all over Africa were asking her to develop and deliver her unique “African Rituals”. What started as a desire to help people affected by abuse and injustice, has now grown into a successful, ethical and cruelty-free brand that supports fair trade and local communities in Africa while giving the world the benefits of its therapeutic skincare.
Although today, Africology is used in many of the world’s leading spas and retreats, including Richard Branson’s Private Collection, it will still only use ethical supply chains and fair trade, and is entrenched in social responsibility which empowers programs such as: supporting disadvantaged teenagers, providing water tanks to communities without running water, and sourcing ingredients that contribute to local community developments.

There is a scent distinct to Africology, one that can trace its roots back to the days when Renchia used to do healing work in her studio. It is often instantly recognised by people when near an Africology spa or store, it is said the spirit of Renchia’s soul is embedded in that scent, as it carries the magic of her highest healing intentions. Today, all four of her children have a part to play in the business. Collectively, they are inspired to formulate luxurious, natural and eco-friendly products, fragranced with only pure essential oils.
Her kitchen that was once used to manufacture her products has now evolved into her very own manufacturing facility. Renchia says, “.. it is my intention to align biology, cell integrity and age delay in all our active, organic formulations. Fragrance creation is my soul’s way of expressing divine sensory experiences, incorporated with African healing modalities in treatment protocols designed to offer superior spa experiences”.
Africology is now available in Australia. AFRICOLOGY.COM.AU