The Adna and Anthlia IPL devices by France’s EFB Beaut, distributed in Australia by Insight Aesthetics, combine multiple applications in one, offering progressive and lasting photoepilation of all hair colours on all skin types, as well as photorejuvenation to improve ageing skin, acne, rosacea, pigmentation and spider veins.
Both offer effective results; the Adna is a more gentle treatment, while the Anthlia (pictured below) offers faster, more efficient results.
1. Photoepilation
World-first exclusive patent in permanent hair reduction for all hair colours, including blonde, white, grey and red. EFB Beaut has exclusive world- first patented technology for the removal of not only dark hair but also white, blonde, red and grey hair, as well as darker skin types.
2. Skin tightening and anti-ageing
Stimulation of the dermis for a restructuring, lifting and tightening effect of the skin.
3. Pigmentary treatment
Removal of dark patches on the skin caused by sun damage and ageing.
4. Vascular treatment
Fast elimination of spider veins and broken capillaries by selective photo-coagulation.
5. Acne treatment
Weakens production of the sebaceous glands and treats inflammatory and bacterial acne.